Seeking healing change?

What does one have to do
   to experience change 
     not just any kind of change
       but healing change

For things to change
   focus on the unchanging

not on the problems
   however hypnotic 
     they may be

not on the fears
   however overwhelming 
     they may feel

No, not on those

Focus on the unchanging 
   on the timeless truth
     of who and what God, Spirit, is
   on divine Science 
     which is ever and only unveiling
        what is real, what is needed

because it is right there
   in the holy midst of the unchanging 
     that we find what
       we were seeking all along

the Divine
   and us as the divine idea
     whole, satisfied, free 

The unchanging continually reveals
   its unchangeable image
     That’s you, that’s me
       that’s all that is and ever will be 

Yes, for healing change
   focus on the unchanging.

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