When I trusted God, I was healed

I was on a service trip abroad in Costa Rica, where I was spending my time helping turtles. I did a lot of swimming my first week and didn’t think much about it, but one day I felt pain in my ear. I thought it was because of all the time I had spent in the water. That day I avoided activities that involved swimming and anything else that I thought would make the condition worse. Because I wanted to be able to enjoy my trip, I just tried to pretend that the problem didn’t exist. 

The next day, though, as I touched my ear, I found that the pain was more intense. I was worried that something bad was going to happen to my ear if I didn’t do anything about it. So I took a moment to sit down and pray. I knew I could to turn to God because I’ve had other healings in the past when I’ve prayed.

I avoided activities that involved swimming and anything else that I thought would make the condition worse.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

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What comes next?
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My healing was complete
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I found joy again
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Riding without fear
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Alone in the woods
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Healing on a very hot day
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Feeling scared? God is there.
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A week full of healing
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God’s guidance during my travels
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Trusting God, even with the little things

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