“You have a listening to do”

I was being asked to listen for God’s guidance. 

Originally published for the Christian Science Sentinel online on March 28, 2024

“Dear one, you don’t have a decision to make. You have a listening to do.”

These words came almost audibly to my thought while I was sitting in a real estate agent’s office trying to make a decision about the purchase of a home (more on that later). The words surprised me because at that time in my life it seemed as though I had nothing but decisions to make. My husband of 35 years had passed on unexpectedly, and this was just one in what felt like a sea of decisions. The clear message that I had a listening to do rather than a decision to make sank deeply into my heart. I knew I was being asked to listen for God’s guidance. 

I had been brought up attending a Christian Science Sunday School, and one of the first lessons I learned was that God is not only all powerful and ever present but our all-loving Father-Mother as well and that I could trust Him with my concerns. I also learned that Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, derived the fundamental fact that God is Love directly from the Bible, especially through her study of the life and ministry of Christ Jesus. I learned that I could turn to the Bible to find comfort and guidance.

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