Riding without fear

I love horseback riding. Being around horses always gives me a feeling of peace and comfort. My horse, Happy, is a gelding chestnut American Quarter Horse. We have a strong connection with each other. Together, we’re a team.

One summer day, I was riding him in an outside arena. We were jumping over poles while cantering, which is the speed between a trot and a gallop. If the rhythm and weight distribution of a canter is off, it can be very uncomfortable for the horse and the rider. On this day, I could feel that he wasn’t balanced or holding himself up correctly. When we came to a corner of the arena, he tripped on his own foot. It’s common for horses to trip on their own feet, but they usually recover immediately. Because Happy didn’t, I fell forward on his neck and rolled to the ground. But Happy also rolled to the ground, and I could feel half of his body on top of mine. 

I struggled with fear and with not being able to trust my horse completely.

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