Daniel’s real job, and ours

One of the most inspiring people in the Bible is Daniel. Each story about Daniel in the book named for him is impressive. But when the individual accounts are taken together, Daniel’s record becomes truly astounding. His remarkable career has a lot to teach us about serving God. 

Daniel was taken captive from Israel as a youth, and over many years he filled a variety of roles in the imperial court of Babylon. Even when in positions of importance and authority, what kept him safe and prosperous despite huge challenges was his faithfulness to God. Whether refusing to adhere to a diet mandated by the king, rejecting the idols of the land, or interpreting the king’s dreams, Daniel courageously kept his focus on serving the one God. This was true even in the life-threatening situation of being thrown into a den of lions—from which he emerged triumphantly, not just alive but untouched. 

I have been discussing Daniel with my Sunday School students, and his experiences of God’s guidance and protection have been inspiring to us all. But it’s been particularly helpful to me to understand that the God who guided Daniel has been doing the same for me throughout my career.

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