Sentinel Radio Edition
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July 30, 1994
Guests: Phil Davis, Howard Wheatley, Eva-Maria Hogrefe, Christiane West Little, Ann Moody, Joan Goetz, Olga Chaffee
July 23, 1994
Guests: Diane Marrapodi, Julie Pabst, Pam Smith, Nils Tuxen
July 16, 1994
Guests: Nancy Pihl, David Degler, Michael Seek, Sheila Geier
July 10, 1994
Guests: Nate Talbot, Sabrina Stillwell, Marian Cates, Bob Squire, Mwangi Ireri
July 2, 1994
Guests: Ann Stewart, Mark Swinney, Lois Carlson
June 25, 1994
Guests: Betty Jenks, Joel Magnes, Patricia Darmon, Mwangi Ireri
June 18, 1994
Guests: Margit Hammerstrom, Scott Laningham, Lynn Jackson, Margaret Rogers
June 4, 1994
Guests: Bob Jeffery, Jon Harder, Scott Jenkins, Mark Hathaway, Mary Trammell, Bill Dawley
May 28, 1994
Guests: David Degler, Marcus Geier, Molly Taylor Geier, Sandy Persley, Mary Trammell, Bill Dawley, Judith Welch
May 21, 1994
Guests: Margaret Rogers, Casey Wright, Ann Moody, Joel Magnes, Mwangi Ireri
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