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Freedom from racial hatred
Live audio chat with Tim Myers, C.S.
In his opening comments, Tim Myers recalls the Rodney King race riots in Los Angeles in 1991. Now, over 20 years later, racial hatred still divides many people around the world. But, Tim says, there is a solution. To find it, we must stop looking at others from a limited, merely material view of race and humankind. Lifting thought to a spiritual view of men and women, of God’s view of all our brothers and sisters, has the power to transform people for the better to the point where we genuinely love all our neighbors.
Tim addresses questions on how to better appreciate diversity and multiculturalism, interracial marriages, how love can overcome the most entrenched hatred, immigration issues, and racism in relation to the presidential race. He points out that the underlying issues are not so much a matter of the color of one’s skin, but of loving one another. Tim says love always wins.
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