Shoulder pain quickly overcome

One day last summer, I lifted some very heavy bags into the car and was happy that I was able to do it. But a few moments later, my shoulder was really hurting, and the thought came that I shouldn’t have lifted those bags but should have waited for my son to do it. As a Christian Scientist, I knew better than to think I had broken some law of physics or that matter could ache at all. So I quickly recognized that this thought about the bags was not coming from God and was not my own thinking but was merely a false mental suggestion.

I knew that God is not limited in any way and that as God’s child I express strength, agility, and wisdom. I am not mortal; I am the immortal, spiritual creation of God, Spirit, and not therefore susceptible to limitation or self-condemnation. I declared that I was not subject to age or injury. 

But as I tried to wash the dishes, I couldn’t even lift the sponge. The pain was challenging. Then I heard a car outside. It was a delivery person dropping off a box with “Comforter” written on the side. I went out to look at the package and realized that it was a new bedspread that I had ordered. As I turned to go back inside, I stopped in my tracks and said out loud, “the Comforter!” 

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Testimony of Healing
Freedom after water-skiing accident
February 3, 2025

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