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I realized that a closer walk—an hour-by-hour lived connection—with God could lift anyone out of a deep loneliness.
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No silos

We can live life as one seamless whole, bringing to every situation a recognition of the overarching fact of God’s—Love’s—presence.
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I can never be apart
from You 
   or from 
   the love of Christ ...
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God’s goodness, law, and love filled all space, including my consciousness and the very place where the disturbance seemed to be.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
I needed to turn away from a sense of myself as a mortal having too much to do and recognize my true identity as a beloved, cared-for child of God, an ever-present help. 
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I was learning about God’s love for all His creatures. I knew that prayer would help us find Tony, and I was very grateful for that.
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Testimony of Healing
I went back to washing the dishes and started thinking about the Comforter, which Jesus promised would lead us into all truth. It was as if sunshine, joy, and intelligence were filling my kitchen.
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Testimony of Healing
I had been believing that I was separated from God and not fully cared for by Him. I saw that I needed to let go of fear and completely trust God’s power. This cleared the way for healing.
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Testimony of Healing

Truth heals stomach pain

As I began to gain ground in my prayers, a thought came: “Ah, but what if this is persistent?” A moment later, as clear as a bell, came this thought from God: “I am more persistent!”
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Bible Lens


Paul unreservedly embraces the gospel as the path to salvation.
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Letters & Conversations

When I read this editorial, I was reminded of how practical Christian Science is and of the blessings that come as we expand our understanding of what that practicality means in its application to healing disease and other erroneous claims.
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