Severe burns healed

Originally published in Spanish

I am so grateful that I was introduced to Christian Science in my native Uruguay many years ago and for the transformative impact it has had on my life and that of my family. It has helped me understand God as divine Love, which fills all space and governs our lives harmoniously. 

One summer day in recent years I had an opportunity to put this understanding into practice when I was cooking various dishes for my family to enjoy. I had made a dessert that required double boiling, which meant placing the dessert dish in a baking pan with water before putting it in the oven to bake. As I was taking the dessert out of the oven after it was done, the pan overturned, pouring the scalding water all over my bare feet. 

The pain was intense, but I was confident of healing in Christian Science. I called a Christian Science practitioner for help through prayer. What I got from our conversation was the reassurance that I am a spiritual idea created by God, and a spiritual idea can never be touched or injured. In divine Love, where we live, there are no destructive elements. In divine Love’s allness, there is nothing but goodness and no room for chance or accidents.

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Testimony of Healing
Ankle injury gone
August 12, 2024

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