Letters & Conversations

> Evan Mehlenbacher, “Exercising divine control over the body,” Sentinel, July 1, 2024

This article is outstanding—clear, instructional, and powerful!

Paul White, Reno, Nevada, US

> Paul Trevithick, “Painful skin growth disappears,” Sentinel, June 24, 2024

I am receiving so much from this healing testimony. The Bible says the kingdom of God is within us, and this testimony really brings what that means to the fore.

Robert Dillon, New York, New York, US

> Bible Lens

My thanks to all who work on the Bible Lens. I’m way overdue in expressing my appreciation. It’s an important resource in my daily study of the Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly. I benefit from the extensive research, and the varied translations of the scriptural passages open thought to relevant and timely healing applications of familiar citations. Particularly appreciated are the insights into original Hebrew and Greek words from familiar King James Version verses, as most of us are not scholars of those languages.

Bonnie Shaver, Denver, Colorado, US

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August 12, 2024

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