Prayer halts aggressive symptoms

One day last year, as I was driving my son to a lesson, I suddenly began to feel unwell. Although for the moment, I felt safe driving, I soon became more and more uncomfortable. We were about halfway to our destination, which is an hour’s drive from where we live, and I thought, “As soon as we get there, I can get out of the car and move around, and then I’ll feel better.”

But I quickly realized that that wasn’t the answer. What we think has a direct effect on what we experience, so expecting to change things later by taking a physical action would only reinforce the notion that I had an actual physical problem now. Instead, I turned to God, our dear Father-Mother, who made us all. 

It’s common to think that we are both material and spiritual, that we live in a material body that operates according to physical laws and can suffer. But Christian Science shows us that we can be healed by acknowledging our perfect likeness to God, Spirit, who is never subject to pain, limitation, or any other difficulty. Reasoning from the truth that divine Spirit is the only creator, I prayerfully affirmed that I am spiritual, with no material parts that could malfunction. 

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June 17, 2024

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