Learning to listen to God

I was enjoying camp with my family. One day, I noticed that some kids were playing on the other side of a yellow bridge. I wanted to go play with them. But I was nervous because I use a power chair to get around. The bridge was steep, and I didn’t want to tip over.

I learned something in Christian Science Sunday School that has helped me when I feel nervous or afraid. I decide if my thoughts should get a red light, a yellow light, or a green light. That means I pay attention to my thoughts to see if I should stop them (red light), if I should get quiet and listen for God to tell me what to do (yellow light), or if a thought is really from God (green light). I know that God is good. So any thoughts that aren’t good are not from God and get a red light. 

A thought came to me that I could go slowly over the bridge in my chair. My mom also told me to go slowly, and I listened. 

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