Baby protected during pregnancy

About five years after getting married, I found myself pregnant despite having taken preventive measures. I went to a gynecologist, who confirmed the pregnancy. But he also warned that the birth control device I had had implanted was not readily removable and would be dangerous to the unborn child, and that he was afraid to remove the intrauterine device (IUD) because he felt it would disturb the fetus.

I was devastated at the possibility of the child being harmed. I went home and called my grandmother, who was a seasoned Christian Scientist. She advised me to ask a Christian Science practitioner for treatment through prayer right away. I was obedient and found a practitioner in my new town.

I began to pray with her on a daily basis. And I began to grow in my understanding of God. The practitioner encouraged me to study Christian Science daily, so I studied the weekly Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly each morning. 

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Testimony of Healing
Vocal challenges overcome, burns healed
June 17, 2024

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