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Our spiritual heritage
When one of our daughters was quite young, we often found her sleepwalking. Some nights she would simply come down to kiss me goodnight; other times we found she had moved to the stairs and fallen asleep there. But the night I saw her descend the stairs and reach for the knob on the front door to go outside, I knew this problem needed to be healed, and quickly!
She began sleepwalking three or four times a night, and our fear increased when she spent nights away with us in different surroundings—staying in a hotel or visiting a friend. While we took the normal safety measures of locking doors and windows and keeping a close eye on her, we also took the spiritual measure of providing healing prayer through Christian Science treatment.
We prayed for divine guidance on how to heal this situation, and to get a clear understanding of our daughter’s normality and God-given peacefulness. During this time a relative reminded me of my own sleepwalking as a child, which I had forgotten about, and this alerted me to pray about our daughter’s spiritual heritage. As my husband and I learned more about God being the only creator and cause, we also learned to lean more on God and to let Him show us His control and government. We gained a clearer understanding of how God always watches over us, protecting us.
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April 16, 2018 issue
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From the readers
Wendy Mulhern, Maitreyee Dutta
Our spiritual heritage
Lynn G. Jackson
Unvarying health
Carol Rounds
Inspiration blooms
Tracy Colerider-Krugh
Coming home: peace between tenants and landlords
Monica Karal
Divine logic and our God-given authority
Ali Ziesler
What does it mean to live in God’s kingdom?
Tyler Williams
The right ideas when you need them
Leyla Ghanem
No more flu symptoms
Joy Heinlein
Alarming condition cured
Laura Blair
Pain and stiffness in arm healed
Emma Jane Pendleton
Love simply does
Lona Ingwerson
Proving our agelessness—at any age
Tony Lobl