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Inspiration ends knee pain
I would like to share a wonderful healing I experienced as a result of some insights I had on the nature of man. As a Christian Scientist, I view any discordant situation as a mistaken understanding, and therefore an opportunity to gain a better sense of harmonious divine Life. At one period, I began to experience some discomfort in my knee. I have a very active lifestyle and spend the majority of my day in physical activity. This discomfort became increasingly painful and frustrating, as it kept me from my regular activity.
The problem seemed to stem from activities on my job as a professional ballet dancer, so my employer required me to have a physician look at my knee. The orthopedist who examined it told me the X-rays indicated a chipped kneecap. He said it would need surgery, and that I would not have full use of the knee for a year afterward.
As I always have, I turned to Christian Science for healing. My initial prayer was a desire to understand God better. In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, the textbook of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Desire is prayer; and no loss can occur from trusting God with our desires, that they may be moulded and exalted before they take form in words and in deeds” (p. 1). I worked to gain such a sense of God’s omnipresence and omnipotence that I could no longer feel any inkling of fear or doubt. I knew that a clear sense of infinite Love, God, would leave no room for the false suggestion of pain or weakness.
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November 6, 2017 issue
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From the readers
Debby Miller, Robert Cowen, Marie Longpre-Adams
Lazarus and the biosphere
Eric Thacher
Let’s practice, let’s participate
Irene Schanche Bowker
‘In the midst’ with the Christ
Candace Lynch
Only God’s goodness ‘runs in the family’
Anne Hughes
Prayer for my goat
Menstrual discomfort permanently healed
Joan M. Greig
Distorted vision corrected
Raymond Glazner
Healing of dizziness and hearing difficulty
Sabine Imhoff
Inspiration ends knee pain
Rachel Richardson
Still small voice
Joni Overton-Jung
Common ground on Chesapeake shores
By Story Hinckley, staff writer
How can we pray for our environment?
Ingrid Peschke
You are essential!
Kim Crooks Korinek