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Still small voice

can you
see the face of the sky?
read the signs of the times? 1
gauge the tenor of thought?
discern the state of things within?
is there a storm brewing?
floods of fear
waves of rage
hateful righteousness
reaching a boiling point?
we are being called
not to be barometer
for world currents:
suggestion, projection,
but to sift real
from unreal
to heed the
still small voice within2
Elijah heard it
on the mountain
as he faced
and right there—
he heard
the still small voice
of God
stilling the storm
lighting the dark—
peace breaking through
suddenly the world
is seen
as God sees:
safe, intact, assured.
instead of railing,
being transfixed
by portent of the times
we could,
like Elijah,
make our way higher,
find the center of our hearts—
not turn away,
but turn towards
the face of God
and there in some hush
an assurance—
insistent stillness—
hear, see, feel God, good
embracing the universe
in impartial, impervious
here is where we see the face of the sky
discern the real signs of the times
storms find their stillness
fires burn but do not consume
the earth moves in wonder
all things are safe, intact, assured
everything about us
sings for joy.
—Joni Overton-Jung
Matthew 16:3. 2
I Kings 19:12.
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November 6, 2017 issue
View Issue-
From the readers
Debby Miller, Robert Cowen, Marie Longpre-Adams
Lazarus and the biosphere
Eric Thacher
Let’s practice, let’s participate
Irene Schanche Bowker
‘In the midst’ with the Christ
Candace Lynch
Only God’s goodness ‘runs in the family’
Anne Hughes
Prayer for my goat
Menstrual discomfort permanently healed
Joan M. Greig
Distorted vision corrected
Raymond Glazner
Healing of dizziness and hearing difficulty
Sabine Imhoff
Inspiration ends knee pain
Rachel Richardson
Still small voice
Joni Overton-Jung
Common ground on Chesapeake shores
By Story Hinckley, staff writer
How can we pray for our environment?
Ingrid Peschke
You are essential!
Kim Crooks Korinek