Not afraid of bullies

This story was first published in the French edition of The Herald of Christian Science, Le Héraut de la Science Chrétienne.

My name is Ange, and I am eight years old.

One day I was with a friend and we were walking down the street. We were talking and we were having a good time. A ten-year-old boy, who attends the same school as I do, came up to us. He had something in his pockets that was making noise. And he shook it to frighten us. He wore boots, and he was also making some noise with his boots. And he was making faces at us to scare us. Then he pushed me and he pushed my friend. We were both scared, but he just thought it was funny.

This boy had pushed other children and had already been punished. He had received a
warning from the school that he had to have signed by his parents.

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Kids around the world
France: A letter from Camille
June 25, 2012

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