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"Though MANY RELIGIOUS movements have come and gone throughout history, some sort of spirituality seems to be part of human nature. Even atheistic scientists profess to experience what Albert Einstein called a 'cosmic religious feeling' when contemplating the awesome majesty of the universe.
"Would advanced alien beings share this spiritual dimension, even though they might long ago have 'outgrown' established religion? Steven Dick, a science historian at the US Naval Observatory, believes they would. Dick is an expert on the history of speculation about extraterrestrial life, and he suggests that mankind's spirituality would be greatly expanded and enriched by contact with an alien civilization. However, he envisages that our present concept of God would probably require a wholesale transformation. Dick has outlined what he calls a new 'cosmotheology,' in which human spirituality is placed in a full cosmological and astrobiological context. 'As we learn more about our place in the universe,' he has written, 'and as we physically move away from our home planet, our cosmic consciousness will only increase.' ...
"The E.T. debate has only just begun, but a useful staring point is simply to acknowledge that the discovery of extraterrestrial life would not have to be theologically devastating. The revamped design arugment offers a vision of nature distinctly inspiring to the spiritually inclined—certainly more so than that of a cosmos sterile everywhere but on a single planet. ... The more one accepts the formation of life as a natural process (that is, the more deeply embedded one believes it is in the overall cosmic scheme), the more ingenious and contrived (dare one say 'designed'?) the universe appears to be."
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October 13, 2003 issue
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No musical chairs
Marilyn Jones
with contributions from Margaret Schwartz, Annadel W. Edwards, Nancy R. Fuhrer, Julia Elliston, Dorothy E. Wolf, Susan Self
items of interest
with contributions from Paul Davies, Douglas Spangler, Janaki Kremmer, Tim Radford
The divine right to be included
By Ron Ballard
6 stories on BELONGING
with contributions from Merelice, Jeffrey Turner, Doris Olawuwo, Robert Kreitz, Jan Libengood, Miriam Mades
How to communicate bad news
By Pamela Cook
Safe when exposed to contagion
By Janet Clements
Anger tamed
By Ginny Luedeman
Wisdom in judging figure skating
By Martha Cogan
Rumors worth spreading
By Kim Shippey Senior Writer
In the aftermath of Isabel
By Jim Corbett
A healing of diagnosed cancer
Molly Saul
Feeling close to God brings healing
Leticia Gutierrez Duran
Her youth did not hold her back
Patrícia F. Nunes