I found, even when fear was present, that I could do what I needed to do in obedience to God.
As I read Science and Health, my anguish was replaced with joyous hope and inspiration.
I am in awe of the peace and rationality that I now exhibit after spending decades living in a nightmare of my own making.
I was more aware than ever before that Love, God, was meeting our family's needs.
Sensitivity is not in matter, not chemical or physical. Genuine feelings come from Soul.
The destructive emotions of pride, fear, anger, and selfishness are the real opponents in competition.
I grew and grew in love for all mankind until finally there just wasn't any reason to fear being attacked.
After a few hours not only the pain but also any stiffness or immobility of the wrist was completely healed.
Hemorrhaging completely healed.
Disruption of digestive functions quickly and permanently healed.
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