Divine Love's care for children

My two-year-old granddaughter, Emlyn, had been visiting me, and we had talked about God and His love for her. Together we repeated "God is Love" until Emlyn was able to say it alone.

Soon afterward, in her own home, Emlyn and her mother were seated on the floor in front of the fireplace making a costume for her to wear that evening. The glass door of the fireplace was very hot, and Emlyn was cautioned not to touch it. She didn't heed the warning, however, and put the full palm of her hand on the glass door. Her mother quickly gathered Emlyn into her arms. She spoke to her about God's care for her even as she began to pray.

Although Emlyn was crying out in pain from the burn, she was also declaring "God is Love." When the pain did not cease immediately, her mother telephoned a Christian Science practitioner to pray with them. After he had prayed for a few seconds, he told the mother to sing the hymn "'Feed my sheep'" by Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 304). He also said he would continue to pray until the child was healed.

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Archbishop speaks on true worship
June 16, 1997

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