Spiritual vision, the way to freedom

Have you ever felt stuck in a situation where there seemed no way out? Where you felt imprisoned by impassable barriers of personal relations and responsibilities?

The Israelites, enslaved in Egypt many long years, must have felt hopelessly trapped. But there was a way to freedom, and it took only one man with spiritual vision to find it. Moses had an earnest love for his people. By patiently listening to and obeying God, he discerned how to lead them out of bondage. He looked above and beyond the hopelessness the human scene presented. When he did this, he heard God speak to him. And that same God directed and protected every step of his way as he guided the Israelites to freedom, even parting the waters when he came to the impassable Red Sea.

Spiritual vision was also what brought unlimited good into Abram's life when strife between their herdsmen caused him and his nephew Lot to divide their land between them and part company (see Gen., chap. 13). Abram offered Lot first choice of the land. Then God said to Abram: "Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever" (verses 14, 15).

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March 3, 1997

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