Acts of God

God works in unexpected ways,
Wonders does He perform,
But all His ways are gentle ways
Not earthquake, wind, or storm.
Whence come these wild and fearful storms?—
In truth, not based on laws—
For God is good, omnipotent,
The great, the only cause.
So, we need not fear violence,
Minor or such as these;
When Jesus Christ was here on earth
He bade the storm to cease.
No, we will not fear them,
For Christ, Truth, is with us today,
Endowing us with the same sure power
The storms of life to stay.
So, when you speak of "acts of God"
Be sure your meaning's true,
And wondrous acts of love and mercy
Will be God's gift to you.

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Dear Sentinel
April 8, 1996

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