How do we know God is with us?

It was one of those big, beautiful, luminous moons that Miami is famous for. As dusk darkened into evening, the silver-white light from that moon spilled across the waterway and flooded the living room where ten or twelve of us were watching the kickoff of the Super Bowl (the professional football championship in the United States) on television. And actually, some of us were more taken with the moon than we were with the game!

Our hostess prepared us, though, for what was coming. "That moon'll be gone in an hour or so," she said. Sure enough, by half time in the football game, the moon had risen so far up in the sky that we couldn't see it anymore from where we were sitting. "It's gone!" someone moaned.

"Yes, but look at the waterway!" our hostess said. There, shimmering in the choppy water in front of the house was an enormous globe of gorgeous moonlight—reflected from somewhere high in the night sky. All we could say was "Wow!"

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Testimony of Healing
Beside my computer is a list of some seventy-four instances...
June 6, 1994

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