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A kind neighbor introduced Christian Science to my parents...
A kind neighbor introduced Christian Science to my parents when I was a young girl. Since then, the power and lovingkindness of God as revealed through Christian Science have healed me, comforted me, and guided me.
Several years ago I was offered what seemed to be an ideal position with many benefits, including the opportunity to be of help to other Christian Scientists. I prayed to know God's will, which could only lead me to a decision that would be helpful to all parties involved. I began to see that I could unquestioningly depend on God's wisdom for every step. It was easy to add up a list of the advantages and disadvantages of my current position and the one being offered to me, but by relying on God's plan for me as His loved child, I soon decided that it was right for me to remain at the job I already had. I felt entirely at peace with this decision, knowing there could be no loss to me or to the fine organization that had made the job offer.
There were three positive and harmonious results: the new job was quickly filled by a very well qualified individual; my own work became more interesting, as I was transferred to another department; and in a few months, company rules were changed so that my years of work in another division of the same company were credited to my account, allowing me earlier retirement with increased benefits. This latter benefit would have been lost if I had changed jobs.
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May 20, 1991 issue
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"Pressured? Let God govern." (part one)
Olga Chaffee with contributions from Laurie Haas, Eleanor Lee, Richard Leopold
God's help in solving problems
Margaret Campbell
Divine energies cancel burnout
William Walton Saunders
Inner conflicts, spiritual resolutions
Maynard Sundt
Margaret R. Zuber
"Just do it"
Allison W. Phinney
The inevitable morning light
Michael D. Rissler
A kind neighbor introduced Christian Science to my parents...
Lindi P. Bunsen
Before our first child was born we had made arrangements...
Ela Pozniak Buchanan with contributions from Carol L. Honey
As a youngster attending a Christian Science Sunday School...
Geneva Charlotte Chadwick