Those of us who have been blessed by the Christ, Truth— healed and redeemed by it—have one overriding desire: to share the saving Christ message with all mankind.
Disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, and earthquakes devastate areas around the globe in spite of the use of sophisticated surveillance devices to detect impending dangers, and precautionary measures such as early evacuation.
It was with a feeling of excitement and no little apprehension that I, as a young boy new to the ways of the sea, climbed aboard the old oceangoing trader lying in Glasgow Docks and reported to the officer on watch.
Sometimes we have an experience that seems hard and unpleasant, but later we realize that through it so much error was uncovered and destroyed, and so much Truth seen, that it was actually a blessing.
I have been an active worker in the Christian Science movement for over fifty years, attending Sunday School until the age of twenty, when I joined a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, and The Mother Church.
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