Salvation by individual spiritualization

Some time ago I listened to a television program that contained quite a few ominous-sounding prophecies from the Bible. Seeking insight into these issues, I turned to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. There I found that our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, gives this as the first tenet of Christian Science: "As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life."Science and Health, p. 497.

One fundamental verity the Scriptures plainly declare is that "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."Gen. 1:31. It is obvious that this statement cannot refer to material creation.

Christian Science differentiates clearly between the material universe, which we appear to be living in, and God's spiritual universe, including man, which is perfect, harmonious, and eternal. How do we liberate ourselves from the false belief of life in matter with its discord and death? By recognizing this pervasive belief as false. By rising above the consciousness of material things and knowing that God, Spirit, is All, that He is governing all, and that there is nothing beside Him.

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August 30, 1982

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