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For many years I have loved Christian Science
For many years I have loved Christian Science. I had the blessing of attending a Christian Science Sunday School after I was fifteen. Prior to that time my mother gave me loving guidance in the study of the Bible and of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. She taught me to practice what I was learning. I am very grateful for this early training, and for membership in a Christian Science Society and The Mother Church, and for class instruction. I know I have gained valuable spiritual insight from lessons I learned while teaching Sunday School and while serving in other capacities in branch churches at different times.
I have witnessed many healings that came about through my own prayers and through the prayer of Christian Science practitioners. Severe burns, measles with complications, warts and other external and internal growths, laryngitis, and virus I have seen vanish into nothing. Personal relationship problems in the home and business have melted into harmony.
When I was very young, my parents moved from a northern state in the United States to a farm in Oklahoma, and the neighbors told them about tornadoes that came to the area. My mother never allowed fear of these storms to become a part of her thought. She explained to me that God was in control of all His universe and if we trusted in Him at all times we need not be afraid. One day a dark funnel-shaped cloud appeared on the horizon, and my father rushed us into the storm cellar. He had watched the storm and declared it was traveling fast and all our farm buildings were in its direct path. From the cellar doorway he continued to watch its advance, while my mother sat praying. She called me to her side and reminded me of God's all-power and goodness. My father closed the door and said in tears, "It's here, and it will take everything."
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August 1, 1977 issue
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Action: An Important Word in Healing
The Best Kind of Winning
Reject the Mortal Measure
Alice Ella Boehmer
A Niche for Each of Us
Heaven Is Now
Reach Up for the Sugar Bowl
"I'm just fine"
Gerald Stanwell
My Neighbor
Heather Anne Sass
Living the Divine Pattern
Geoffrey J. Barratt
Spirit's Healing Radiation
Nathan A. Talbot
I have learned that a heart full of gratitude has no room for anything...
Antone Geo. Kolaja
I am grateful that Christian Science protects as well as heals
Michael Provenzano
For many years I have loved Christian Science
Leila H. Law
I have been a student of Christian Science for years and have...
Marta Sara Rosa with contributions from Nelly Renee Rosa
Since the appearance of my last testimony in the January 1972...
Margaret Ferris