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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy is the textbook of Christian Science. It is available in English, in English-Braille, and in Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. It may be obtained from any Christian Science Reading Room, or ordered directly from Miss Frances C. Carlson, Publisher's Agent, One Norway Street, Boston, MA, U.S.A. 02115.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston, MA, U.S.A. 02115:
THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE JOURNAL: Monthly in English; $14.00 a year, $7.00 six months, $1.25 a copy.
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SENTINEL: Weekly in English; $17.50 a year, $8.75 six months, 50c a copy.
THE HERALD OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Editions published monthly: French, German, Portuguese, Spanish. Each edition $7.00 a year, 75c a copy. Editions published quarterly: Danish, Dutch, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Swedish. Each edition $2.00 a year, 50c a copy. English-Braille, Grade Two, published quarterly, $1.00 a year, 25c a copy.
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE QUARTERLY (Bible Lessons): Quarterly in English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Indonesian (available only in Indonesia), Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish. Each edition $2.50 a year, 75c a copy. Readers' size, $3.00 a year, $1.00 a copy; in English-Braille, Grade Two, with all citations from the Bible and Science and Health written out in full, $2.50 a year (12 issues), 25c a copy.
THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR (regular daily edition): An international newspaper published daily, Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, in English; available to subscribers worldwide; $40.00 a year, $36.00 nine months, $24.00 six months, $12.00 three months, 25c a copy.
THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR (international weekly edition): An international newspaper published weekly in English; not available to persons living in the United States, Canada, or Mexico; $37.50 eighteen months, $25.00 a year, $12.50 six months, 60c a copy.
You may subscribe for these periodicals directly from The Christian Science Publishing Society in Boston or obtain them from a Christian Science Reading Room in your community.
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September 4, 1976 issue
View Issue-
Practice Is the Way
The Blessing Is Always There
A Fresh Start
Do You Deserve to Be Healed?
Doris M. Junker
The Affluence of Sharing
The Christ Awaits Us Every Wednesday
You Already Have It
Caroline Jane Sears
Seeing Ourselves as God's Reflection
The Verdict of Science
Geoffrey J. Barratt
Finding Our Own Niche
Peter J. Henniker-Heaton
Christian Science came to me at a time of much unhappiness...
Hilda M. Sayers
"What's the use of worrying? It never was worthwhile." So...
Gordon Bryan Ramsay
Healing in Christian Science comes from the purification of our...
Andromage Azariu
Christian Science came into my life after ten years of self-defeating...
Charlotte Woodhull
The writings of Mrs. Eddy are a constant source of guidance and...
La Veda Marquardt
Letters to the Press
with contributions from A. W. Phinney, J. Don Fulton