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Truth will reveal it
The Blessing Is Always There
Every Christian Science healing brings a blessing—sometimes many blessings—as the result of a change in thought for the better. Through each application of this Science thought awakens to perceive more clearly some aspect of God's goodness and allness and of our own or someone else's true nature as His beloved and perfect child. Simultaneously, some false concept of God and man, perhaps long held, is being rooted out and put off.
The Aposde Paul speaks of putting off the old man and putting on "the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." Eph. 4:24; In Christian Science we learn that this "new man" is the real man, created in God's likeness. As we put on—that is, express more the nature of—this real man, the only identity you or I or anyone really has, physical healing is the natural and inevitable by-product.
Christ Jesus' clear perception of the real man enabled him to heal instantaneously. Many healings in Christian Science are instantaneous. But what if a student of this Science has been praying and studying and doesn't seem to be getting anywhere? In addition to perhaps asking a Christian Science practitioner for help, he can dig even deeper into the Bible and the writings of Mrs. Eddy to broaden and strengthen his spiritual understanding. And he can make an even more vigorous effort than before to practice every moment what he understands of Christian Science. This sincere effort will inevitably bring spiritual progress and healing. Mrs. Eddy, who became expert at reaping the blessings from seeming adversity, says in Science and Health, "Practice not profession, understanding not belief, gain the ear and right hand of omnipotence and they assuredly call down infinite blessings." Science and Health, p. 15;
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September 4, 1976 issue
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Practice Is the Way
The Blessing Is Always There
A Fresh Start
Do You Deserve to Be Healed?
Doris M. Junker
The Affluence of Sharing
The Christ Awaits Us Every Wednesday
You Already Have It
Caroline Jane Sears
Seeing Ourselves as God's Reflection
The Verdict of Science
Geoffrey J. Barratt
Finding Our Own Niche
Peter J. Henniker-Heaton
Christian Science came to me at a time of much unhappiness...
Hilda M. Sayers
"What's the use of worrying? It never was worthwhile." So...
Gordon Bryan Ramsay
Healing in Christian Science comes from the purification of our...
Andromage Azariu
Christian Science came into my life after ten years of self-defeating...
Charlotte Woodhull
The writings of Mrs. Eddy are a constant source of guidance and...
La Veda Marquardt
Letters to the Press
with contributions from A. W. Phinney, J. Don Fulton