Christian Healing: Not a Mystery, but a Marvel

Is Christian healing a mysterious power or a miraculous cure? Neither, but it is a marvel, a Christian marvel of ancient and modern times.

Gospel narratives indicate that there was nothing mysterious about healing through spiritual means. Jesus restored health, peace, and life to those who were experiencing mental and physical disorder, thus proving the power of the healing Christ, which he exemplified. Mary Baker Eddy confirms this truth: "The so-called miracles contained in Holy Writ are neither supernatural nor preternatural; for God is good, and goodness is more natural than evil. The marvellous healing-power of goodness is the outflowing life of Christianity, and it characterized and dated the Christian era.

"It was the consummate naturalness of Truth in the mind of Jesus, that made his healing easy and instantaneous. Jesus regarded good as the normal state of man, and evil as the abnormal; holiness, life, and health as the better representatives of God than sin, disease, and death." Miscellaneous Writings, pp. 199—200;

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The Adoption of Good and the New Birth
March 8, 1975

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