Christian Science came to me when I was in great need

Christian Science came to me when I was in great need. For many years I had been looking for a meaning to life, and more recently had turned to hygiene and health laws to try to keep well. However, this brought no improvement, for during these years I had been very ill and had many emotional and personal problems. Two years ago I found myself on the verge of a nervous breakdown, manifesting alarming breast pains, which I was afraid to put a name to. I had been unable to work or do anything in the home, and felt I couldn't carry on any longer.

I knew very little about Christian Science or its healing powers, although I had been in a Christian Science Reading Room the year before and had been given some literature to read. I had always believed very deeply in God and His power to heal, and had many times been aware of His healing presence, but in my distress I couldn't seem to find Him. Mrs. Eddy writes in Miscellaneous Writings (p. 81): "In the desolation of human understanding, divine Love hears and answers the human call for help." Suddenly the words Christian Science came to my thought, and I phoned the local branch church. I was invited to come to their Wednesday evening testimony meeting and speak to an usher at the door.

I didn't think about healing when I went, but thought I might find God there. The meeting was beautiful, but I was so distressed that I felt I couldn't face anybody, and would just have to go home. However, a practitioner was sitting behind me, and seeing my distress leaned over at the end of the meeting and began to talk to me. I asked for help, and this was promptly given.

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Testimony of Healing
After completing my regular weekly assignment...
June 2, 1973

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