I am very grateful to be a member of The Mother Church

I am very grateful to be a member of The Mother Church. I suppose at this point most reasons are selfish ones because of the good it has brought into my experience, but the unselfish reasons are growing in number because their value is continually being proven.

My freshman year in college was dreadful until a beautiful day when I realized without a doubt that Christian Science was not just a system of worship but a practical, delightful way of living. I had despondently called my parents to tell them the two doctors' verdict that I had an incurable skin disease, a disease that tormented me with much pain, as well as disfigurement.

My wise mother, a new member of The Mother Church, gave me no sympathy but compassionately asked me to call a Christian Science practitioner she knew, a woman two thousand miles from my college. Obediently I called, but scoffed at what the practitioner said. I read what she asked me to read and went to bed feeling discouraged and very sorry for myself.

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Testimony of Healing
During my senior year in high school, the question of "which...
March 3, 1973

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