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Seeing Mistakes Rectified
The old saying that if one has not made a mistake then he just has not made anything implies that mistakes are normal, even for the successful. On the other hand, there are those who feel that some mistake they have made is irrevocable and that as a result they must now suffer or continually pay for it.
Through the study and application of Christian Science we find that mistakes are not irrevocable. As we learn to correct our thinking and living, we can view every past error, or mistaken concept, as aggressive mental suggestion and deal with it in the present as a lie about man in God's likeness. We can live in unswerving obedience to moral law and demonstrate that rectification takes place in our consciousness and then in our experience. Through gaining further confidence in the allness of God, good, and proving each supposititious claim of evil to be baseless and powerless, we benefit from, rather than continue to suffer for, our past experiences. Mrs. Eddy makes this statement: "The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel entertained unawares." Science and Health, p. 574;
In correcting mistakes in Christian Science we have the unique advantage of working from one spiritually perfect standpoint and not from the dualistic, material basis that accepts the reality of both good and evil. Divine Love's creation is depicted in Genesis as "very good." Gen. 1:31; This creation is wholly spiritual, completely perfect now. It is intact, not subject to discordant conditions of lack, disease, decay, and death. Christian Science teaches that man the image and likeness of God, has always had dominion over all the earth. We prove this true in our human experience as mortal thought and physical sense testimony yield to divine Mind. We find heaven, the kingdom of God, right at hand.
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October 25, 1969 issue
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What Does Man Consist Of?
"Whence comest thou?"
Seeing Mistakes Rectified
Robert M. Mummey
A Saturday Job
Overcoming Criticism
Waken from the Dream of Suffering
Margery Macdonald Cantlon
Are You Wearing a Mask?
Infinite Mercy
William Milford Correll
No Dearth of Ideas
Alan A. Aylwin
"The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any...
J. Harold Russell
My gratitude abounds for the great spiritual truths that Christian Science...
Patrick Joseph Segurson with contributions from Evelyn Brower Knuth
Because my grandmother was healed in Christian Science of a...
Helen May Mundell
The following healing experience was one in which I was able to...
Neil Horn with contributions from Helen Norris Horn, Oscar W. Horn
RADIO PROGRAM NO. 394 - Helping Hold Crime in Check
Ron Clifford with contributions from Jack Krieger
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Bishop Almir Dos Santos