The Businessman and Marriage

Business circles show concern about the deteriorating effect that long office hours, work brought home, and frequent business trips have on the stability of the family life of businessmen. Frequently wives feel lonely; children are inadequately guided or disciplined; fatigue and irritability result in discord rocking the home. Is a businessman's success in business incompatible with his happiness at home?

Imbalance between business and marriage has its roots in various material beliefs. When, through Christian Science, the baselessness of these limitations is uncovered and the pertinent spiritual facts are recognized, business requirements and family obligations are reconciled. Harmony is then restored.

The fundamental belief detrimental to harmonious living is that man is a mortal personality with powers of his own to originate, transform, and manage. Under the influence of this false concept the businessman is inclined to feel a very personal sense of responsibility for the activities under his jurisdiction. He may also take personal pride in their operation. The truth is that God, not human selfhood, is the source of all right activities.

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There Are No Walled Cities
May 11, 1968

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