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Demonstrating Perfection Daily
Our Master's demand, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect," Matt. 5:48; might seem to be an impossible demand to many people. But considered in the light of Christian Science, it is a legitimate one.
Mrs. Eddy writes: "The divine demand, 'Be ye therefore perfect,' is scientific, and the human footsteps leading to perfection are indispensable. Individuals are consistent who, watching and praying, can 'run, and not be weary;...walk, and not faint,' who gain good rapidly and hold their position, or attain slowly and yield not to discouragement. God requires perfection, but not until the battle between Spirit and flesh is fought and the victory won." Science and Health, pp. 253,254; Our Master was fully aware of man's inherent perfection as God's beloved son but knew that each of us would have to demonstrate this sinless, flawless, and harmonious state of being even as he did. And he knew this would have to come through the destroying of false beliefs in human consciousness.
The perfection of man as God's image and likeness was revealed to Mrs. Eddy when the truth unfolded to her receptive thought. This revelation unfolded as a Science which mankind could put to practical use in everyday affairs. Mrs. Eddy realized, however, that the proving of this perfect state of being would not be accomplished overnight. She saw that each one of us would have to attain perfection through regeneration and healing, through complete spiritualization of thought.
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September 16, 1967 issue
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Let Us Not Follow "afar off"
Gaining Freedom from Fear
Handling the Errors Latent in Thought
Love Is the Healer
Man Is Eternally Healthy
Demonstrating Perfection Daily
Stan Learns to Live "the first lessons"
The Control of Environment
Helen Wood Bauman
The Indivisibility of Good
Alan A. Aylwin
I shall always be grateful to Christian Science, which came to...
Jane Coates Smith
My heart is filled with gratitude for the many wonderful healings...
Russel H. Pesante
Some years before marrying my father, my mother was suffering...
Beulah Ritscher Shafer
That we have God-given dominion over ourselves, our health...
Camille Hastings MacKusick
Before becoming interested in Christian Science, I had lost two...
Charles C. Scott with contributions from Mary Jane Shellaby
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Arnold J. Walker, F. C. Stickells