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Our Heritage of Freedom
Freedom has been a cherished ideal from the days of ancient Greece. Each era since then has had its champions of liberty, who have labored to bring to their fellowmen a better society in which to live. Christ Jesus, however, gave to searching humanity the rich promise of complete and everlasting freedom, freedom from all evil. He presented the consistently demonstrable way of realizing freedom in one's own experience when he said (John 8: 32), "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
In Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy shows the value of spiritual freedom to the individual. She writes (p. 228): "The enslavement of man is not legitimate. It will cease when man enters into his heritage of freedom, his God-given dominion over the material senses." Everyone at some time must be freed from the prisoning bands of material sense.
The laws of God, divine Principle, give us the legal authority to be free. To enjoy the abundant blessings which result from obeying the divine laws of being as revealed in Christian Science, the student must first know God as Father-Mother, infinite Truth. His relationship to the creator then becomes apparent as he learns to know himself as the spiritual image and likeness of his Father-Mother God.
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February 5, 1966 issue
View Issue-
The Importance of Scholarship
Pleasing God
Our Heritage of Freedom
Stability or Emotionalism?
Scientific Being and Divine Healing
Tommy Proves Love Is Mind
A Union Blessed
Helen Wood Bauman
There Is No No-man's-land
Carl J. Welz
When I was a child, I knew...
Ruth V. Adams
For God's ever-presence and...
Kenneth C. Jasper
When I was about twelve years...
Helen P. Johnson
For the privilege of being reared...
Molly Sylvester
It is with the deepest gratitude...
Dawn Marie Newby
My Air Force assignment is...
Betty N. Grace
I was brought up in Christian Science,...
Ruth Tegtmeyer