I am deeply grateful for the healings I have experienced since the...

I am deeply grateful for the healings I have experienced since the publication of a previous testimony of mine in 1943. I have had many difficulties to meet in the last twenty-five years, and I have been protected and helped through seemingly impossible situations, knowing that the presence and power of God are always near to heal and save.

Sick headaches were overcome several years ago. After the passing of my husband, while I was still living out in the country, I left the office one evening very ill with a headache. When I arrived home, which was some eight miles out of the city, I managed to take care of the pets and stock and went to bed close to the telephone, thinking I would probably have to call a practitioner for help. Until about nine I kept puzzling about what could have caused me to be in that condition; and finally when I awoke to the thought of "cause," I remembered that God is the only cause and that all He could cause was good. Then I fell asleep. I awakened in the morning entirely free and was able to go to the office and perform my duties as usual; and that was the last of the headaches. Any indication of the return of one has been quickly handled.

My husband passed on in 1958, and a dear sister a few months later; but through Christian Science I was sustained and comforted. Later it was necessary for me to make a change in residence because I couldn't keep up the property in the country alone, and, furthermore, I needed to have some additional income; so I decided to sell the place, move into the city, and buy income property.

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Testimony of Healing
Words can never begin to express my gratitude for God, for...
October 15, 1966

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