the advent of Sputnik, the layman's interest in space travel moved from the realm of science fiction to that of fact and fast-approaching accomplishment.
I have lightened someone's crossToday by word or deed;If I have loved sufficientlyTo sense another's needAnd answered it unsparinglyFrom heaven's boundless store,Then I have used God's talent wellAnd am prepared for more.
the nineteenth chapter of I Kings we read that as Elijah, in deep discouragement, "lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat.
the allegory of Adam and Eve, an allegory which exposes the falsity of corporeal sense and the subtlety of its ways, God is depicted as questioning Adam, "Where art thou?
In addition to the English and German recordings previously announced, the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy are now happy to announce a recording of the hymns of Mrs.
Christian Science first came to my notice I was in a sorry plight, having experienced two attacks of rheumatic fever while I was under the age of ten and another in my late teens.
the turn of the century, when my grandparents began studying Christian Science, we have had numerous proofs in our family of God's loving care for His children.
I have
had the privilege of being a student of Science for many years and have experienced many physical healings, some through my own efforts and some through the help of Christian Science practitioners.
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