Jacob, Moses, and the prophets caught glorious glimpses of the Messiah, or Christ, which baptized these seers in the divine nature, the essence of Love.
who find their businesses reeling and tossing uncontrollably in the heavy seas of economic turmoil may learn the way to positive control of their affairs by turning to God as understood in Christian Science.
minded men and women have always longed for divine guidance, and some of the momentous decisions of history have been successfully made by leaders who have been able to discern God's purpose.
the month of June thousands of young men and women are at the threshold of new experiences in advanced study or at the beginning of a life career.
In writing to a branch church regarding its dedication, Mary Baker Eddy lovingly counseled, "May God's little ones cluster around this rock-ribbed church like tender nestlings in the crannies of the rocks, and preen their thoughts for upward flight".
To ensure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada at least seven weeks before the date of the lecture; elsewhere, eight to eleven weeks.
Speaker: Today there is growing awareness that the atmosphere of thought in which one lives and works is at least as important to health as the air that one breathes.
At dawn on a drab, cold January morning a few years ago these words from a citation in our Lesson Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly arrested my attention : "Take heart, dear sufferer, for this reality of being will surely appear sometime and in some way".
The testimonies given in the Christian Science periodicals have brought so much inspiration to me that I should like to express my gratitude for all that this wonderful Science has done for me.
I have had so many demonstrations of healing in my experience since 1930, the year in which I first heard of Christian Science, that I am happy to write a testimony about them.
Before we were married, Christian Science was demonstrated in the home of my wife and also in my home, first by our parents and later by our own prayerful work.
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