some period in our earthly experience most of us are called upon to do something which humanly seems hard and which we may even think impossible of achievement.
naturalists, astronomers, and other physical scientists have been deeply impressed by the existence in nature of a sense of orderliness and of evidence of obedience to invariable law.
or later all men must acknowledge God's omnipresent power, yield to His laws, and experience freedom from the ills, pains, and limitations of material sense.
A basic
teaching of Christian Science is that sickness is a mental state and that to be healthy one must understand that God is the only Mind and that man reflects this harmonious and sinless consciousness.
The inspiring message of the Tuesday Evening Meeting which took place in the Extension of The Mother Church on June 4 can be heard by every member of The Mother Church or one of its branches by means of a tape recording of the meeting.
Officers of branch churches and individuals who have occasion to correspond with The Christian Science Board of Directors, with the Clerk and the Treasurer of The Mother Church, and with the heads of departments of The Mother Church Offices are requested always to place their addresses on their letters and to write their signatures plainly.
As a result of having false impressions and prejudices about Christian Science corrected by the radio and television programs, "How Christian Science Heals," a great many persons are visiting Christian Science churches and Reading Rooms and attending Christian Science lectures for the first time.
Realizing the privilege that is mine, as well as my duty as a Christian Scientist, to testify to the ever-availability of the Love that heals, I submit this testimony.
Much telling will not relate all the healings, unfoldment, and happy rejoicing which have come to me and my family since turning to Christian Science in troublesome times.
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