after the writer's first healing in Christian Science, while waiting one day for a streetcar, she was approached by a woman who asked in a solemn voice if she was saved.
flying have excited the envy of earth-bound mortals, have delighted poets, and have served as symbols of upward-soaring thought to those who are religiously minded.
In response to a widespread interest in the various editions of The Herald of Christian Science, the Editors are taking this opportunity to explain something of the purpose of the Heralds and the nature of their contents.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
With gratitude to God for Christ Jesus, our Way-shower, and for Mary Baker Eddy and her revelation of Christian Science, by means of which we demonstrate God's loving care, I relate the following incident of divine protection.
In the first sentence of the Preface to the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, gives us a wonderful promise.
My introduction to Christian Science came in 1918 when my mother was healed of a serious physical ailment after medical doctors had said that there was nothing that they could do to help her.
My wife and I found Christian Science after World War I, and after we had been studying it for just a short time, I had occasion in my own experience to see the truth relating to cause and effect.
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