thought, as depicted by politics, literature, defense measures, and scientific research, evidences a constant reaching out for more satisfactory ways of government.
finds the inner brightness of the SoulPuts off the hindering whither and the why,Puts on the ancient yea—the certain, whole,Unalterable, and eternal aye, and aye.
Christian Science
is liberating thousands from bondage to sickness and disease by revealing the nature of these errors and teaching how they are to be overcome.
Officers of branch churches and individuals who have occasion to correspond with The Christian Science Board of Directors, with the Clerk and the Treasurer of The Mother Church, and with the heads of departments of The Mother Church Offices are requested always to place their addresses on their letters and to write their signatures plainly.
your longing eyes perceiveWhat other workers in the Field achieve;You seek a part in honor and in fameTo bless the world, enrich it in Christ's name.
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