one of Mary Baker Eddy's letters to a branch church—letters rich in counsel and guidance—is this loving admonition: "So let us meekly meet, mercifully forgive, wisely ponder, and lovingly scan the convulsions of mortal mind, that its sudden sallies may help us, not to a start, but to a tenure of unprecarious joy".
student of Christian Science at some time in his experience has not had to face a condition that appeared not to yield to his most earnest efforts?
phrase "attending church," meaning the presence of an individual in the religious congregation of his choice, is so generally accepted that the student of Christian Science needs to be clear in his understanding as to what it means for him to attend church.
need to build no greater barns to storeThe increase of our wordly stocks and waresIf we remember that the threshing floorRelieves the husbandman of worldly tares.
these days, when nearly all nations and peoples seem to be in a state of confusion and upheaval, when radical and impractical concepts of government are being advanced and found wanting, it is clear that the body politic is in as great need of healing as the body we call human.
obedience to the divine nature, man's individuality reflects the divine law and order of being," says Mary Baker Eddy in her "Miscellaneous Writings".
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
Christian Science Camp Welfare Activities, which include arrangements for regular Christian Science services, treatment, and other assistance for men and women in the armed forces, extend throughout the United States, to Canada, and to many overseas areas.
I am so deeply grateful for Christian Science and for the great good it has unfolded to me through the years that I feel this testimony is long overdue.
Christian Science came to me in answer to prayer, and I have too long delayed sending in my written gratitude for this wonderful, final revelation of Truth, which brings to human consciousness a satisfying, comforting understanding of God and His spiritual creation, the only true creation.
When I wrote a testimony which appeared in the Sentinel more than sixteen years ago I thought that blessings and healings in the fullest measure had been attained.
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