If Mind was first chronologically...

"If Mind was first chronologically, is first potentially, and must be first eternally, then give to Mind the glory, honor, dominion, and power everlastingly due its holy name" (Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, p. 143). The purpose of this testimony is to glorify God for His great goodness to the children of men.

Over thirteen years ago I had my introduction to Christian Science when a friend invited me to attend a lecture. I did not understand very much of the lecture, but I was impressed by the calm and loving attitude of the people attending it. The following Sunday I went to a neighboring town to a Christian Science church and have been attending regularly ever since.

We have had many varied and helpful experiences. Our youngest child was healed of German measles overnight when the First Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," was firmly adhered to. Certainly measles are a false god and no part of God's perfect creation. God being the only cause, the effect could only be as good and perfect as the cause.

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Testimony of Healing
When my son was born twenty-four...
March 11, 1950

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