Seven years ago, while an officer...

Seven years ago, while an officer in a Naval Command School in Florida, I made a great discovery. At the time, I was one of thousands of men faced with the difficult task of a complete readjustment in life because of the war.

The purpose of the newly established military school to which I had been assigned was to thoroughly indoctrinate civilians in the basic fundamentals required of a naval officer in wartime. The subjects were of a highly specialized kind which would ordinarily require four years at Annapolis.

After three weeks of rigorous training in classes from eight in the morning till ten at night, I found myself floundering, unable to meet the demands of the course, mentally or physically. I began to fail miserably in both mind and body. A great sense of fear came over me, but I did not dare speak of my condition, for I knew I would be sent to sick bay.

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Testimony of Healing
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and...
August 20, 1949

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