the light of Christian Science one finds that the seven synonyms which our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, gives in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," as a definition for God together comprise the wholeness, the allness, of God.
Christian Science worker who regards a problem as an opportunity for proving that man reflects God's dominion over all discord has taken a forward step toward the solution of the problem.
had been the favorite sport of a student of Christian Science since childhood, and for many years she had played almost daily during the tennis season.
So, Father, would I bring my heart's desiresInto Thy sanctuary, Thy house of prayer,Nor fear again Thy temple to profane—Unholy thoughts can never enter there.
A statement
of vital importance to the student of Christian Science is that which our inspired Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, makes on <a class="tome-reference"
The following statement came to us from one of our new members: "Experiences have proved overwhelmingly to me the vital part that membership in The Mother Church plays in an individual's progress from sense to Soul!"
To ensure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada at least seven weeks before the date of the lecture; elsewhere, as early as possible.
"The thunder of Sinai and the Sermon on the Mount are pursuing and will overtake the ages, rebuking in their course all error and proclaiming the kingdom of heaven on earth.
When Christian Science found me, or rather when I found Christian Science, I was in a very feeble, run-down condition from what is known as female trouble, following the birth of our first child.
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