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The desert shall rejoice, and...
"The desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose" (Isa. 35:1). Through Christian Science this Biblical promise has been fulfilled in my experience. In place of what was a desert filled with discouragement, disinterest, indifference, and depression, there is courage, unlimited interest, unselfish loving, and expression of renewed energy, vitality, and joy.
For several years during the winter season, the errors referred to were persistent, particularly so the winter after the passing on of a dear companion, and also of my mother, within a three months' period. I had also received the news that a son in the service, a paratrooper, was "missing in action." I can with much gratitude say that the understanding of Life as God, therefore eternal, and of man, His idea, as also eternal, expressing uninterrupted Life, sustained me during the first two experiences and prevented any sense of loss or grief. However, in the case of the boy more work was necessary in order to keep my thought at peace. I could know and see clearly that wherever he was, God was, Probably my greatest difficulty was the sympathetic attitude of my friends. I always assured them that I had no feeling of worry, for I knew that he was safe in God's care always. After what seemed a very long three months, the meager news came that he was a prisoner of war. In another month word came in his own handwriting that he had been liberated and would be home in a few weeks. We were very grateful for this proof of God's protection.
It was expressed to me by a member of the family who knew of the depression I had been experiencing that when definite word of the boy's safety came I would resume my normal way of thinking and being. This, however, did not prove to be the case. At previous times when the way seemed darkest I had asked for help from a practitioner and then, strengthened and encouraged, had gone on with the work myself. There was not a permanent healing, however, and I was not satisfied. Late in June, 1945, I attended my son's wedding in a distant city, and afterwards on the way home talked with a sister who is an earnest student of Christian Science, telling her what an effort it was for me to be aroused to an interest of any kind. She asked me if I had handled the belief of heredity, and reminded me of a near relative whose case seemed similar to mine.
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April 5, 1947 issue
View Issue-
Love's Power
"Humility ... the stepping-stone"
Who Are the Chosen People?
The Infinite's Bestowals
Christ Eternally Risen and at Hand
Dwelling in Love's Atmosphere
Spring's Resurrecting Challenge
The Angel at Golgotha
Margaret Morrison
Life's Eternal Abundance
Paul Stark Seeley
I wish to express my gratitude...
Carmen Gabani
In deep and lasting gratitude...
Charles W. Henstenburg with contributions from Helen W. Henstenburg
I am thankful to God that His...
Berenice W. Pulliam
The desert shall rejoice, and...
Gladys M. Briner
For many years our family has...
Edith Rashleigh with contributions from Rosamond Christabel Langham, Arthur Rashleigh
I am grateful for Christian Science...
Oscar A. Reeh
I am very eager to express gratitude...
Jean Munro McGee
The Spirit of Easter
Signs of the Times
with contributions from E. F. C., Oscar F. Blackwelder