is meet that at Easter the thoughts of all Christians should turn to that momentous event two thousand years ago when the world's first Christian demonstrated the immortality of Life in what is known as the resurrection.
gave to blind and deaf their sight and hearing:At midnight hour it set the prisoners free:Restored the cripple at the pool Bethesda;Forgave the dying thief upon the tree.
the chosen people of God came to be called the children of Israel is explained in the Bible narrative of Jacob's experience on his way to meet his brother Esau.
is not moved by the breath of praise to do more than He has already done, nor can the infinite do less than bestow all good, since He is unchanging wisdom and Love.
earnest Christians who are seeking salvation from the ills of the flesh long for the healing Christ, but often, believing Christ to be limited to a particular person in a far-off day, they, like Mary of old, cry.
considering the counterfeit material universe which mortal mind believes is its limited and often uncomfortable dwelling place, one may find himself visualizing the sphere we call the earth whirling about in space, enveloped in a nebulous and more or less invisible gaseous shroud frequently referred to as the atmosphere.
Short-wave Station WRUL, Boston, which carried radio broadcasts for The Mother Church for several years, and which was taken over by the United States Government during the war, recently resumed radiocasting operations.
Many earnest men, women, and children above twelve years are eagerly reaching out for membership in The Mother Church—the Church that is bringing to human consciousness a great spiritualization of thought.
As part of her prayerful work for the Reading Room one day, a librarian gave deep consideration to the following By-Law which appears in the Church Manual by Mary Baker Eddy.
Charles W. Henstenburg
with contributions from Helen W. Henstenburg
In deep and lasting gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader for her revelation of the eternality and practicality of Truth in redeeming mankind from evil, we submit this testimony.
I am thankful to God that His revelation of Christian Science has been meeting my daily needs and filling my experience with love, friends, health, and happiness for almost thirty years.
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