Christian Science is recognized by its adherents as above all human sciences, it is not too daring to think of it as being first of all the Science of man.
many single paragraphs of her great textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy throws spiritual illumination directly onto the path that leads out of the mystifying mazes of material living in which humanity seems to move to the open, unbounded horizon of reality.
the Manual of The Mother Church, under the heading "Alertness to Duty," Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, points out a specific phase of so-called evil, or animal magnetism, against which the student of Christian Science should daily protect himself.
, who was working on her master's degree in the college located in her home town, was troubled about a final examination in a subject which had required a great deal of memory work.
Many earnest men, women, and children above twelve years are eagerly reaching out for membership in The Mother Church—the Church that is bringing to human consciousness a great spiritualization of thought.
God, I feel Your presence every day,Directing me in what I do and say,Lifting my thought above all doubt and fearInto the holy, cleansing atmosphereOf Love, where wisdom, touching everything,Is making my whole world rejoice and sing.
It was the instability of matter which I perceived and my ever-growing unrest in all material pursuits that finally turned me to an earnest study of Christian Science.
Like many others, I knew of Christian Science for some years before I earnestly turned to it, and when I did I found it to be the "pearl of great price.
Love dissolveThe fingerprints of hateThat smear the windowpaneOf consciousness;For Truth's bright rays,Unhindered, penetrateTo purify, to heal,Enrich, and bless.
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